Disclaimer: Please note this online appointment booking tool is for trials which you have approval for only and is subject to confirmation with our customer care team. 

Privacy policy: Your privacy is important to us at Euromedical Ltd. This data is treated confidentially and will not be shared other than to an authorized Euromedical representative to service your enquiry.

"*" indicates required fields

Your name:*
Client Name*
Address of appointment:*
Seated Measurements
With any seating equipment, these measurements allow us to make sure everything is correct.
A Hip Width:
B Thigh length:
C Shoulder height:
D Chest width:
Standing Measurements
With any standing equipment, these measurements allow us to make sure everything is correct.
G Chest circumference:
H Inner leg length:
I Floor to axila height:
Seated Measurements cont...
E Axila height:
F Lower leg length:
Standing Measurements cont...
J Foot to head:
F Foot to patella:
Preferred appointment date and time:
If your selected date/time isn't available a member from our customer care team will be in touch to confirm a different time.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Tell us how we can make this appointment amazing! Also, is there any useful information such as finding the right property at the address given?
Max. file size: 30 MB.