MoH List

R82 Mustang

The Mustang is a walking aid for children and youngsters with disabilities, who need supplementary assistance with their daily walking.

The Mustang provides excellent and snug support for the upper body whilst also keeping the child’s pelvis gently supported. The upright, slightly forward leaning position stimulates the walking function and encourages the child to participate in daily activities.

The Mustang can be used by children with cerebral palsy and others with impairments of their motor function. The Mustang is developed as an anterior walker but can also be used as a posterior gait trainer, depending on the child’s level of ability.

The Mustang is available in four sizes and suitable for children and young people.

Product Features

Motivating the child to walk

Motivating the child to walk

The user is placed at the center of the Mustang which provides core stability and enables the user to focus energy on walking.
Natural walking pattern

Natural walking pattern

The Mustang has an easy to adjust central bar for height and angle adjustments. A slight forward leaning position, combined with built-in suspension, stimulates the natural walking pattern.
Easy to access

Easy to access

The Mustang has been constructed with accessibility in mind. The U-shaped frame and wrap around support, allows for easy access and transfer.
Easy changeable accessories

Easy changeable accessories

Accessories are easily added or removed for the carers’ convenience.

Technical Info

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4
R82 item number R82-869011 R82-869024 R82-869033 R82-869042
Angle, center bar (°) 30 30 25 25
Height with 4″ wheels (mm) 400-650 600-850
Height with 8″ wheels (mm) 510-650 600-850 700-1050 1030-1250
Inside width (mm) 380 450 500 560
Length with 4″ wheels (mm) 750 830
Mass device with 4″ wheels (kg) 10 11
Mass device with 8″ wheels (kg) 13 14 18 19
Maximum rated load (kg) 45 56 80 101
Maximum user mass (kg) 30 40 60 80
Minimum turning radius (mm) 360 550 600 650
Overall width with 4″ or 8″ wheels (mm) 520 580 650 700
Seat height with 4″ wheels (Comfort seat) (mm) 170-430 240-490
Seat height with 4″ wheels (PU seat) (mm) 170-350 240-410
Seat height with 8″ wheels (Comfort seat) (mm) 260-520 330-580 450-760 620-920
Seat height with 8″ wheels (PU seat) (mm) 260-440 330-500 450-680 620-840
Static stability downhill (°) 7 7 7 7
Static stability sideways (°) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Static stability uphill (°) 15 15 15 15
User height: floor to axil (mm) 400-650 600-850 700-1050 870-1300
Width between handles (mm) 165-320 165-320 140-400 140-400


