
Flamingo Commode pan

A commode pan helps to create a flexible and convenient toileting solution.

Technical Info

Size 1 with holders Size 2 with holders Size 3 with holders Size 4 with holders Size 1 Size 2
R82 item number R82-880121 R82-880122 R82-880123 R82-880124 R82-112401 R82-880129
Compatible with R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 1 R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 2 R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 3 R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 4 R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 1 and 2 R82 Flamingo and Flamingo High-low size 3 and 4